Friday, May 1, 2009

Take flight...

Maximum Ride: Angel Experiment
by James Patterson

On James Patterson's website this book warns reads to "prepare for launch. These pages fly". And boy, do they ever. I think in part it is because Patterson keeps each chapter short(3-4 pages) and in each chapter action happens. But the pages also fly because it's a great story.

Max is the narrator, main character and leader of her flock. Her flock is a group of kids who have escaped from an institute which experimented with their DNA. These kids are not just human. Each are part avian (bird), have wings and can fly. In addition to their wings, they each also have a unique skill or power. All they hope for is a normal life but that's not so easy when you have mutant humans morphing into wolves chasing after you in an attempt to bring them back to the institute. When the mutants succeed at catching the youngest in the flock, Angel, the rest rally together to rescue her.

There is so much more to this book and the series than this short write-up. If you are looking for an adventurous story, packed with action, plot twists and scientific experimentation, then you have found a fabulous read.