Wednesday, March 11, 2009


by Michael Grant

One day, with no warning, every person 15 and older disappears. It happens in a blink of an eye. Not only are adults gone but so too is any means of communication...phones, television, internet. There is no way to know what happened. As the children learn to adjust to their new world, they also learn that a few of them are developing strange, unhumanly powers. But it not just the children, animals are mutating as well. As they look for help, they discover a strange force field encasing the town. There is no way out! Someone has to lead and it's the schoolyard bullies who step up to the job setting the stage for a stunning battle of good v. evil.
While a hefty read, you'll be drawn into the predicament of these kids. Just when you might think the book is dragging, a bit of gory action happens or the plot takes an interesting twist. Gone is immediately compared to Lord of the Flies and the cover makes one believe a movie is already in the making...which kind of takes away from imagining the characters yourself. Overall, I would rate this one a 3 1/2 star (out of five)...or maybe a 4 star as the end left me intrigued as to what would happen next...and guess what, the sequel Hunger is due out in May.

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