Friday, October 15, 2010

Humor with Heart

After Ever After
by Jordan Sonnenblick

When I picked this book up to read, I was clueless what I was about to experience. The story is actually I sequel to Sonneblick's Drums, Girls and Dangerous Pie. You don't need to read the first, I didn't! The story picks up on the Alper family's struggle with Jeffery's cancer. In the first book, the story by Jeffery's older brother, during 8th grade. This time it's Jeffery telling the story, again during 8th grade. The story, though sad at times, is told with such ease and humor. It will make you laugh and cry...just like life. I particularly like the wording and description of following review.

"Most of all, he recognizes that humor and heart aren’t ways to lighten a story—they’re there to deliver it. As hilarious as it is tragic, and as honest as it is hopeful, don’t confuse this book with inspirational reading. It’s irresistible reading."-Booklist
